Learn To Spell Is Key to Pre-Primary Teaching
17th September 2018
Spelling has become a nightmare of the young child in our Indian schools. And therefore, it is really a challenge for experienced and aspiring teachers addressing this issue. Both who are favoured using the pre-primary teacher training course in Kolkata tries to go deeper into the solution point.
With little or no fluency in spoken language, the learner is shoved into the bewildering fuss of the alphabet. This may appear to have little to do with the sheer horror of reading! – And now, it’s spelling that makes the little child feel the moments of despair. And how can you being the global educator aid learning by making it pleasurable? Is it really possible? How to do with fears?!
Focus! Focus! All you need
Once more we have to put the child into proper focus – which he or she needs to have while studying. That’s tricky. As a good teacher you are to consider both the growth and developmental pattern of the child, in relation to their individual potential or tendencies. All of these factors are vital when you are trying to explain the kid how to keep his focus, because they are young with high energy level. This is in line to the “readiness” level.
Taking the global reference
Once caught at the University Of Reading, UK, a glance and discussion at the Reading and Language Information Centre – explicitly sharing and developing ideas, strategy on helping the children with the language level. The related difficulties help children with language and strategy.
Learning to Spell – The bigger picture
Research into spelling has clarified some very important points which would favour one to become a good speller. Learning isolated lists of words, being subjected to weekly spelling tests, copying out spelling corrections, depending heavily on the sounding-out words.
Stages that shapes the child to learn
Actually, alike talking, spelling too is a developmental process and the accuracy will improve as children experience it through practice session. While pursuing the official pre-primary teacher training course in Kolkata you need to develop the fluent speech, children format and need the time to develop spelling competence. They normally pass through five stages on their way to becoming conventional spellers and should be allowed to progress through these stages without undue pressure.
- The pre-communicative stage – Children write down random letters to express meaning. For instance, RALS. This is the equivalent to infants babbling when learning to talk.
- The semi-phonetic stage – Children attempt to represent letter-sound correspondence but major sounds are omitted. For instance, C T S for carrots.
- The phonetic stage – children represent all the sounds in words. For instance, SEZ for says.
- The transitional stage – Children start to rely more heavily on visual clues, and make analogies with word patterns they already know. For instance, clime for climb.
- The mature stage – Correct spelling are used. Children can visualise words in their mind’s eye, have a good knowledge of word structure and a large body of known spellings.
As part of the pre-primary teacher training course in Kolkata, a theoretical view in respect to the stages and the scholarly readings updates are noted down in some reference books. One the Helping Children With Spelling And Children With Reading Difficulties, and books – How Schools Teach Reading, Angela Redfern And Viv Edwards.
Written By: Admin