The Benefits Derived by The Apt Utilisation of Technology for The Future Educators
21st November 2019
Education has evolved over the years and modern day education does not only depend on the online as well as in-class lectures. It has advanced with time and has helped the students as well as educators with the implementation of a number of techniques in the course curriculum, one of them being the apt utilisation of technology. In this blog, we will have a look at the benefits that can be derived by the usage of technology which the learners need to inculcate in the lesson planning of a teacher ...
6 Social Skills That Can Be Very Useful for a Future Pre and Primary Educator
1st November 2019
An educator, especially one who is responsible for the education of the children at a pre and primary level, needs to have an in-depth understanding about the various social skills related to the pertained education. This lets him/her teach the children in a better manner. In this blog, we will have a look at a few such key social skills, which can be useful for the learners of an online pre and primary teacher training course when they start their career as an educator. ...
8 Ways of Student Engagement That an Educator Should Know
16th October 2019
A future educator should learn the traits of student management and engagement for application in the sphere of student development, especially for those who are expected to deal with the children when they start teaching, such as the learners of an online teacher training course in early childhood care and education. This blog is directed towards the traits these future educators need to inculcate for engaging the little ones into the course curriculum and cater to their development. ...
Importance of Play Activities and The Ways They can be Helpful for Future Educators
3rd October 2019
There are a number of activities that are beneficial for the development of the children in a nursery environment. The future educators need to understand how to put these activities into utilisation to make the overall teaching-learning procedure a better and a more impactful one for the young learners. In this blog, we will have a look at the benefits of play activities and impact on the trainees of post graduate diploma in nursery teacher training course. ...
How to Eradicate Reticence from Among the Learners While Pursuing a Certificate in Montessori Teacher Training Course
19th September 2019
Reticence can be a major problem en route to the proper development of the learners in any classroom course, especially in the case of time-bound courses like the certificate in Montessori teacher training course. It halts the free flow of communication in the class, whether it is between the teacher and the students or among the learners, which might be a detriment for the free flow of communication and the successful completion of the course curriculum. This blog is directed towards the causes ...
Role of Stress Management in a Pre and Primary Teacher Training Course in Kolkata
6th September 2019
Managing stress in a classroom environment could be problematic for the educators, especially in the initial stages during a pre and primary teacher training course in Kolkata. Learning the nuances of stress management could help the future educators in better maintenance of the class and help the students to attain the successful completion of the course curriculum. This blog helps in understanding this mechanism and how important it is for the candidates of the pre and primary course. ...