How Realistic Student Expectations Close the Gap of Communication
24th January 2020
The impact of having high student expectations lead to the failure of any effective class. As a teacher, you need to identify the difference between ambition and expectation. Generally, the teachers and parents share the same vision of wanting to see their children succeed. The blog highlights all those crucial areas that show that how setting realistic student expectations helps in closing the gap of communication between the teachers and students which is a key part of online postgraduate dipl ...
Crucial Points to Keep in Mind before Managing your Student Behaviour
10th January 2020
Teaching and re-teaching your students is quite a tricky task as every student is different and unique. Hence, a teacher must discover the greatest instructional strategies to teach them and to do that you need to correct your learner’s behaviour. The blog explains all the 5 important and sensitive points in which a teacher should keep his/her mind while managing the behaviour of your students. ...
5 Points That Describe the Truth That How Augmented Reality Helps in Early Childhood Care and Education
17th December 2019
The early childhood care and education sector have experienced a huge change over the last decade. The blog describes the reality that how the augmented reality technology can be the forthcoming experience and a mode of training among the children’s curriculum program. AR (augmented reality) offers a lot of opportunities to early childhood that can’t be mistreated. ...
5 Key Anxiety Situations of Teaching and How to Handle Them Effectively
6th December 2019
Generally, teachers come into the teaching as they would like to help the learners become skilled, productive and happy adults. At the same time as their principal worry is education, over and over again teachers discover the fact that they are performing some other responsibilities as well, such as counselling, mentoring, being authoritarian and so on in 21st-century teacher training. Just to help you out, the blog shares some of the useful and helpful suggestions to handle all those crucial an ...
The Benefits Derived by The Apt Utilisation of Technology for The Future Educators
21st November 2019
Education has evolved over the years and modern day education does not only depend on the online as well as in-class lectures. It has advanced with time and has helped the students as well as educators with the implementation of a number of techniques in the course curriculum, one of them being the apt utilisation of technology. In this blog, we will have a look at the benefits that can be derived by the usage of technology which the learners need to inculcate in the lesson planning of a teacher ...
6 Social Skills That Can Be Very Useful for a Future Pre and Primary Educator
1st November 2019
An educator, especially one who is responsible for the education of the children at a pre and primary level, needs to have an in-depth understanding about the various social skills related to the pertained education. This lets him/her teach the children in a better manner. In this blog, we will have a look at a few such key social skills, which can be useful for the learners of an online pre and primary teacher training course when they start their career as an educator. ...