Top 3 Reasons Behind the Improvement in Vietnamese Education
15th September 2017
The International PISA tests in 2015 revealed a marked improvement in the performance of Vietnamese students. They scored higher grades in Reading, Science, and Mathematics than the students of other developed countries like the UK and the USA. This amazing development in the performance of Vietnamese students was quite a surprise to many of the outside examiners. So, what do you think were the reasons behind this improvement?Well, the most common assumptions pointed to the development of the en ...
Written By : Sampa De
How to further improve Education and Teaching in Malaysia?
15th September 2017
There have been constant speculations about improving the basic structure of education and teaching in Malaysia. The world out there is becoming highly competitive in terms of language as well as technology. Under such circumstances, it becomes all the more important to create a concrete plan for the improvement of education in the high schools and universities.In this regard, surveys have been conducted by reputed educational institutions in the country. They have also come up with some practic ...
Written By : Sampa De
All You Need to Become a Good Education Manager in the UAE
15th September 2017
Previously, earning in millions was a far-off dream for teachers. Not anymore. With globalization at its peak, teachers from all over the world are being hired irrespective of caste, creed, language, and religion. And, UAE is not an exception. Unlike the commonly held belief that the country follows a strict Islamic education, UAE has proved its capability numerous times in global seminars and workshops. In the 21st century, education is a priority with almost all reputed institutions focussing ...
Written By : Sampa De
Join Hands and Support Child Protection Initiatives
14th September 2017
Safeguarding children from all kinds of abuse has become one of the burning issues in today’s society. This is a serious concern for childcare or early years’ practitioners or anyone associated with children as schools, crèche and day-cares are one common factor in every child’s life across the globe. Young children are the most vulnerable and humiliation, bullying or abuse at the hands of their carers or teachers has become a glaring reality which cannot be overlooked anymore.The recent ...
Written By : Sampa De
5 Essential Qualities of the Best Educational Managers
14th September 2017
Are you keen to lead a school administrative board? Do you think you have it in yourself to become a good educational manager? If both the answers are positive, you are in the right place. But, if any one of them is negative, you need not click away from this post. Go through it and evaluate your inner capabilities. See whether you have a chance at education administration or not. It is a lucrative career, to be very frank. Besides, if you are planning to move abroad, but you are in no position ...
Written By : Sampa De
An erudite association to create and share new wisdom
14th September 2017
His leadership has always made a difference and his skills and expertise yield maximum impact on all those who are associated with him.Dr Sanjib Chakraborty has been an educational leader adept at institutional management who harbors a strong passion for learning which delivers real results. His leadership has always been connected with learning and he has been constantly striving to create relevant learning frameworks for future trainers and educators.His consistent endeavors have been to promo ...
Written By : Sampa De