Academic Appeal Policy

Academic Appeal Policy

An academic appeal is a procedure, which allows a student to ask for a review of a decision relating to course or certificate. To be eligible to submit an appeal the student must have eligible grounds as per the appeal procedure. Academic appeals may consider allegations of procedural irregularity in the marking of assessments; but the decisions of the Board of Academics in all matters relating to academic judgement shall be final. There is no right of appeal against the academic judgement of the Board of Academics.

Disagreement with the academic judgement of the Board of Academics in assessing the merits of an individual piece of work or in reaching a decision on a student’s progress or on the final level of an award, based on the marks, grades and other information relating to the student’s performance, cannot in itself constitute grounds for an appeal.

The following are not grounds for appeal:

1.The student is not happy with the grade being given.
2. S/he thought would, or should, have achieved a better grade.

Appeal process for all other staff

Making an appeal

A member of staff can appeal against a formal warning or decision to dismiss must be given in writing to the Human Resource Manager (formal warnings) no later than seven working days after receipt of the written letter/mail. The employee should set out clearly the grounds for appeal in detail, stating if they are represented by anyone.

Appeal Committee

The management will appoint an Appeal Committee to hear the appeal, consisting of Head - Academics and two senior members of staff. The Appeal Committee should have no conflict of interest in the appeal, be unbiased, and have the appropriate qualifications and experience to be able to evaluate the issues under investigation. The Head - Academics will attend the meeting to take note of the appropriate points related to the appeal. The Appeal Committee will meet within 10 working days of its establishment to hear the appeal, or as soon as is convenient.

Administrative Appeal Policy

The appeal procedure will be as follows:

  • The appellant can make representations in writing and all appeals should be mailed to with all relevant and supporting evidence. The Appeal Committee will send an acknowledgement of the mail within ten working days of receipt of the appeal.
  • The appeal must be sent by the appellant from the official email ID and will be considered following an oral hearing. The appellant will be able to make a statement to the Appeal Committee.
  • The appellant and the witnesses may be asked to attend the appeal hearing by the Appeal Committee if the committee has any questions they wish to ask them.
  • Following the hearing of the appeal, the Appeal Committee will weigh the facts of the case and may dismiss an appeal, in whole or in part or continue with it.
  • The decision of the Appeal Committee will be notified to the appellant in writing and clearly stating the reasons for the decision within 7 working days.
  • A copy of the document and letter will be sent to the Executive Director and the decision regarding the work complaint will be taken jointly by the Appeal Committee and the Executive Director.
  • The Appeal Committee may decide to make changes to the above procedure as deemed necessary.
  • No appeal can be made against the Appeal Committee’s decision regarding the appeal.

However, in exceptional cases, the Executive Director may reconsider the appeal and take necessary action pertaining to the appeal. For more information please contact us at

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