S Karthega
S Karthega is one of ACT’s alumni from Chennai and has completed our online
Post Graduate Diploma in Autism. She already had experience working with
autistic children and was looking for a course on autism. She found our course to
be extremely beneficial and is of the opinion that it has given her career the right
direction. The course helped her learn new skills and gather new knowledge and
given her a lot of exposure to autism. She feels that the course has improved her
teaching strategies and she can now confidently handle autistic learners. She is all
praises for ACT’s tutors who lent their constant support, guidance and expert help
at all times whenever she needed it and this has helped her to complete her
course without any difficulty. She is very satisfied with the service that was
extended to her and happily gives a 10 on 10 for the training she received at ACT.